Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Life has been smooth lately - Especially after submissions and finals dammit! It feels so good to be free. Anyways, just a lil' update. Last Monday night the guys : Eric, Gerald, Remy, Dominic and I had a lil' guys night out reunion at our official sponsor for guys night outs' - Jalan Song. After a few sems FINALLY another reunion. Thank God. Bunny could not make it though, cos' he was busy with his work.

There are tonnes of pics to show here but Ill just post up the best aite.

We were so happy we could cry! hahah :)
Friends for life yea?!


Last night was awesome. Bunny and I crashed over at his office/work place. Apparently last 2nights he had to become the unofficial security guard for his office due to some circumstances. Last night I joined him. It was fun. It felt like we own the building. While he does his work, I went around snappin' pics. I mean, when can this happen again right? This sort of random things happens once in a blue moon dude. Anyways, I also brought 2bottles of Tsingtao and some yummy pork pau. Cos ada org mengidam. :) Anyways, we slept at the conference room and it was freazin' dammit.

It was not as scary as how I thought it would be. It was rather peaceful although the fact is, someone committed suicide in that very building once upon a time. Seriously dude. I aint' kidin. Ask Bunny!

You know what's funny? Well, I learnt that ugly things happens all the time before amazing things happens. You fight, you quarrel, you give each other silent treatments sometimes but bottom line is - Bonds like this never breaks no matter what happens. It just gets stronger. :) It rocks to have an amazing brother from another mother.

It is almost like aba-cadabra, just better. :]

P/s- Sexie ladies, its our turn next! :)