Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I've been wanting a dog...puppy to be exact. I've been goin' to various pet shops and man oh man, those damn puppies are so so fuckin adorable man.

If I were given a choice, I would definitely go for the ever popular German Shepherd aka Handsome dog. I learn that handsome phrase dog from eric fyi.haha. He loves German Shepherd as well. Anyways, the lady at the pet shop offered me a German Shepherd puppy for RM900 the other time. You do the math.haha. Well,it will definitely be an investment but still I have to maintain its needs and such.

But I PROMISE....I Believe....sooner or later, the day will come. :]

You should have seen the puppy man, its superly duperly cute. And yes, it used its puppy dog eyes tactic against me.

See?? Oh so cute, no??? Oh how I wish it stays that way forever. Or maybe when it grows older and bigger, I shall let Eric train it. hehe. That would be awesome...kan nyet kan???hehe.

Jack Russell Terrier's
are also cute. It doesnt really grow. So thats a plus. haha.

Oh well.....we shall see. Time will tell ey.